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Slides from Uta’s guest lecture

Hi guys, here are my slides from today’s lecture. You can find more info about all the projects I talked about in the references on the last slide of the deck. It was great meeting all of you today. I had lots of fun. Good luck with your final projects – they all sound awesome! Cheers, Uta

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Examples from (unofficial) plan day class

Here are examples from class 11.

These include the xlmDemo made object oriented that we worked on together in class.

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The following items are due next week, for your final project. From now on, your only assignment is to work on your final project. You will be expected to show progress each week. There’s not much time left! Less than 4 weeks!

  1. YOUR IDEA. Write at least three paragraphs, not more than a page and a half, on the idea or concept you want to express. This should be clear and concise. Remember to clearly define your terms, and any  assumptions you’re making– for example, if you want to make a piece about the “destruction” of data, what do you mean by “destruction”— do you mean altering, erasing, corrupting, transforming, decaying, deleting, etc? How are each of these different? I want to know your core idea and WHY it interests you.
  2. YOUR DATA SOURCE. Where will you get the data you’re working with? Will you collect it, pull it from the internet, get it from a static data file on a government site? How much data do you have access to? How was this data initially collected, and by whom, for what purpose? What are potential problems with the data?
  3. REFERENCES, of other projects that have inspired you. Look back at the lectures, do some web searching to find artworks that deal with some of the ideas you’re interested in. Check blogs like and I would like you to look for inspiration/references both for content/ideas and for visual aesthetics.
  4. WORKPLAN an outline of how you’ll proceed, with due dates for yourself. For example, if you know you have a part of the program that takes in data and processes it, you might want to finish that first, before you start writing your class to display data. Or if you plan to manipulate data in processing and then use those datapoints to create an real-life object (a sculpture or a map) or interaction (a dance), then you need to be done with the processing part of the project early on, so you have plenty of time to work on your object. The goal of this exercise is to avoid you starting to write that critical object class or creating your object the night before it’s due! Think strategically about the project requirements and be sure that your plan is realistic!
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Code Examples and Mapping Slides from Class 10, plus assignment 8

Code Examples are here. Lecture slides are here.

For more on maps and mapping:

For homework, following example code in xmldemo.pde, use the flickr api’s method to get information on photos posted in a certain group, or taken at a certain location. You can use a place_id, a group_id, a tag keyword, or a WOEID as a parameter in your function call. You will need to have a flickr account, and get an API key in order to use the API.

You can get a group ID using this handy tool.

Flickr has a places_id function that will return place_ids when given a place name (you can use the explorer interface to search for a particular place_id by typing the place name in the box, for example “Bennington” and then look in the xml that the explorer returns for the place id you want. For Bennington, the explore returns several, but the id I am looking for is “g4IJssKbAppRLV1U”, which I can now use as a parameter when I call in my Processing program).

You can also use WOEIDs (also known as Where On Earth IDs) to specify a place. Here’s a tool that helps you find them.

What to do with the photos when you get them? The sample program takes only the first photo and displays it. But you could save information on all the photos in an array, and display all the photos. You could get average pixel color information from all the photos and use it somehow in your program– for example, to display a generic “photo” created from all the pixel data of all the photos . If you searched for photos by tag or group, you could save and store  the photos’s unique IDs, and then make another call to flickr to get the location (lat and long) where the photo was taken, by making a second call to the api, using the photos.geo.getLocation function. There are endless possibilities! Look around the API and see what you can think of. It’s OK if you run into problems, we’ll troubleshoot and go over the process in class on Wednesday (the plan day, we’ll start at 9). Feel free to email me with problems. I will be around on Sunday for extra help, and available all day next Wednesday for meetings.

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Assignment 7, plus notes and code examples from class 9

Code examples and lecture slides on Time from class 9 are here. Code examples include the array of objects with timer, simple array list, the simple hash map, a hash map that allows for sorting data that’s out of order, and my Dairy Queen program. Also for reference, the hugely useful javadocs page.

Some links of further interest, regarding Time:

Danny Hillis on the Long Now an Millenium Clock.

Nicolas Felton’s Annual Reports on

Mark Twain on how to make history dates stick. Also his Memory Builder Game described.

Timeline of Timelines from Cabinet Magazine.

For homework– in addition to experimenting with one of the new data structures we covered in class (hashMaps or ArrayLists)– make a representation of data that deals with physical space– REMEMBER THIS IS AN ANALOG ASSIGNMENT. You could make a map of some of the spaces you inhabit, or imagine. Here are some examples to help you get going:

From Tim Knowles, the Postal Projects (click through to projects 1, 2 and 3 especially).

From Tim Szetela, Word Mappings and Supermarket Mapping.

Three maps from Steve Klise (student in my summer session of this class at NYU).

Hope these are helpful inspirations. See you next week!

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Code for 2D Arrays, Simple ArrayList Example Plus Assignment 8

Here area code examples from last class: the 2D array example, the very simple ArrayList example, to get you acquainted with ArrayLists… and for those who are feeling brave, an example of an ArrayList loading and displaying info from a data file.

For next week, create a sketch, like we did in the midterm exam, that has objects and arrays, and uses a data from a text file as parameters for those objects. This data file should include many datapoints, and each point should have more than one parameter. (For example, you might have data on students, and each student could have an age and a favorite color). This is an opportunity to use the 2D array code we went over in class this week (see above).  If you are looking for a data set to use, you might find something of interest here:

Not all the sets will be appropriate for this assignment, but look around– you might find something interesting. Next class we will talk about where to find more static data sets online.  Have a great weekend!

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Code From Class Seven and info about midterm

Code from today’s class is here.

Midterm is open-book (but not open-internet). You’ll need to write a program that includes an object class, a data file that’s loaded in and used in the processing of creating objects, and an array to hold the the objects. You should be able to draw objects to the screen.

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Code Files from Class 6 Part 1

Hey, here are code examples from this week’s class. The loadStrings file that we were having trouble with in class is now functional, it was a problem with some hidden formatting in the text file– not the code! (whew!). Try running this version, and as an exercise, see if you can comment this sketch. The friends/floating head sketch with multidimensional arrays is also included. MORE EXAMPLES TO COME. stay tuned.

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Assignment 6

For this week, make a Processing sketch that shows the passage of time in some way– you are welcome to make this a computational extension of your analog assignment from last week. Use loadStrings() to bring in a column of data from a text file into an array, and use that data in your sketch. (See examples).

In Learning Processing, read Chapters 17 and 18 on working with text and strings.

ALSO NEXT WEEK: Pratham and John will be re-presenting their work on the Tron game and the loadPixels() function, and we’ll also hear from Max about a pimped-out Pong game he’s made.

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