Post Your Individual Blog/Website Links

Please comment on this post with the url of where you upload your homework each week.  Once compiled there will be a list on the right side of this blog with quick links to individual blogs.  This will allow everyone in class to easily access each blog and will save time during class.

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Examples from Last Class

Here are the zipped files for the rollover code I showed you on Tuesday.
Zip Files
Also included is an example for an image that’s a link, but with the link styling removed in two ways in CSS.

If you would like to add sound rollovers or other effects to your site, my example is here:
(you can see the code by selecting view source in your browser, but this code will not work without soundmanager2)
You need to upload the sound manager 2 library to your server space, and make sure your html page knows where it is. These links should help you get started:

Work hard, see you next Tuesday. Email me if you have any problems!

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Audio Test

click here

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Audio stories from 11/16 class

If you want to listen again, or listen more… Here are links to:

Sweet Phil from Sugar Hill

Mark Maron’s interview with Ira Glass

Radiolab’s Making the Hippo Dance plus lots of amazing stuff on the Radiolab Archive.

Also, we didn’t get to listen to this one, but this This American Life episiode’s second act, Squirrel Cop, is a great example of a story with a strong narrative arc, lots of tension and surprises. Highly recommended listening!

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Questions for audio stories, plus lots to listen to

For our audio storytelling assignment, due in two weeks (on the 23rd), create an audio piece that’s about 2-3 minutes long.  You can either:

Ask THREE people the SAME question. You can choose your own question, or pick ONE of these: Ask your interviewee to tell you about 1) a time when they were completely lost 2) the biggest fight they’ve ever been in 3) a time when they really wanted something, but didn’t get it.


You can create a story of your own. Try to have a strong idea of what you want to explore before you start, and try to stay focused. Pick something you are passionate about.

Some tips for interviewing:

  • Write up your questions (and follow up questions) before the interview begins
  • Start recording before the interview begins, while you’re still setting up and getting settled, and keep recording a few minutes after the interview ends… Sometimes the best tape is what’s said outside the formal interview, especially right after.
  • Check your levels– ask some dummy questions before you start to be sure you’re getting a good recording of your subject’s voice (some voices are quiet, some are louder).
  • RECORD SOMEWHERE QUIET! A noisy space can ruin an interview… Be aware of traffic noise, other voices, silverware clinking, chairs scraping the floor, doors slamming. All of this will distract from your story and make your subject hard to hear! You can add ambient sounds but it’s best to record these separately and edit them in, so you can control them.
  • LISTEN! Be sure to give your subject lots of time to answer, and be sure to pause between questions, giving them time to add thoughts that come later.  Don’t rush on to the other questions.
  • Ask open-ended questions, not yes or no questions. You should be having a conversation with your subject, not just running through your list of questions.
  • At the beginning of the interview, prompt your subject to answer the questions with a restatement of the question (for example, if the question is “what is your favorite color” you’ll find it easier to work with the answer if they say “My favorite color has always been blue” rather than “Blue.”
  • Encourage your subject to describe the scene or feeling or space or characters in the story … You’ll need this kind of description to draw your audience in to the story, to set a scene. But you need to ASK for this kind of language, since your subject might not automatically tell you.
  • Look for tension and twists in the story. What makes the story surprising to you? Ask questions that get at those unexpected motivations, feelings, moments, responses, etc.

For more good audio storytelling, check out the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies podcast.

Also there’s lots more in the This American Life Archive.

Also check out Radiolab. They do amazing things with audio and experimental editing.

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Audio Device Checkout Schedule

This is the schedule for checking out the audio equipment.

This schedule is edited by Tim. To request/reserve a time email him at

There are 3 devices that can be checked out at any 1 time. During the weekday devices can be checked out for 2 days/48 hours. On weekends a device can be checked out from Friday after 2pm till Monday.

The pickup times for the device are 9-12noon and 2p-5p of the first day you have the device reserved for. In your email please specify a slightly more exact time so I know to be in the office. If you can not pick up the device during those times a later time can be arranged but not preferred.

If you desperately need a device and one can not be checked out the video department has 2 and can be checked out in D205 from 7pm to 10pm on weeknights through the video monitor.

I would not suggest to wait until the weekend of 11/19-21 to check out the equipment. Get at least the recording out of the way early because editing audio can be very time consuming.

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It’s time to start thinking about your final projects! Here are the final project guidelines.

You may revisit any of the forms we worked with this semester (interactive photo story, comic, narrative atlas, audio stories collected as podcast, etc, etc) and expand on what you’ve learned, to make a new more complete project. You will have 4 weeks for this project, so you will be expected to put a significant amount of work into the final! For example, a comic would need to be 6 to 8 pages; you’d need a collection of 8 to 10 audio stories, an atlas would have to contain 10-plus original, carefully designed maps.

Your final project should be displayed online, and work well in that format (for example, if it’s a comic, it should be on a well-designed site made especially for it, high quality images, easy to read, with user-friendly navigation). Your project should address all the key aspects of narrative: setting, time, character, action/tension/motivation, tone, etc. You should consider who your audience is and how you’d like them to interact with or experience the  project, and have plans for the look/feel of the project.

Due next week:

A mood board for this particular project (created in Photoshop, using lots of images to convey look/feel/concept/audience as best you can, visually. Think of the mood board as a way to EXPLORE the project, and expand your ideas using visual imagery. It’s OK to add example fonts as a way of trying out typefaces, but don’t use text in the mood board to explain anything. Try to stick to visuals.

A one-page write-up of your project, including the following:

  • what medium you plan to use
  • the subject matter/content of the project
  • how this content is suited to this form (for example, why a comic about getting lost, vs. an audio story, or collective story site– what does this media in particular allow you to do in terms of narrative?)
  • ideal audience
  • which aspects of narrative you’d particularly like to focus on (your narrative should contain all, but your story might be more character driven, or focused on setting or tension or time or mood). This is a good way to help you structure your project.

A list of steps for this project, from start to completion. A project schedule/task list (ie. you may need to start with a storyboard, or by writing lists of questions for interviewees… and eventually design a web page for the project, post your content, etc). This should help you understand the full scope of the project, and avoid running out of time. Give yourself due dates for different parts of the project. Final Projects are due on the last day of class, December 7th!

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Map Lecture Slides and Narrative Atlas Assignment

Here are the slides from the mapping lecture. And here’s the This American Life episode on Mapping, in case you want to hear Denis Wood’s interview again, or listen to the other segments:

John Kriger’s Making Maps blog has lots of great posts, including this post on making a psychogeography map many on symbols in map-making, which may come in handy as you think about representing different elements on the maps you make this week: trees and forests on old Russian maps, landformscoastlines, snow and ice, combined symbols on maps .

The assignment for the week, as discussed in class, is to make a map to contribute to the class Narrative Atlas of Bennington College. The map can be of anything you’d like, of any part of campus that you choose. It should contain a legend, a key, and symbols. Think of the definition of maps that we discussed in class (maps are spatial, referential, reductive, conventional, indexical or non-indexical, and propositional). Think of how you can expand the boundaries of what a map can be, or typically is, when you make your Bennington map. Think of a story you want to tell about Bennington, and make a map that expresses that story.

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New Tutorial Videos on Class Blog

1. How to change the header image on your WordPress blog

2. How to install fonts on a Mac to use with Photoshop/Illustrator

3.Working with layers in Photoshop/Illustrator

4.Saving images for the web in Photoshop

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Links from Week 7

Here are links to the online storytelling projects we discussed…

Craiglist Missed Connections

Cassette From My Ex

Found Magazine

Post Secret

Saddest Thing I Own

Learning To Love You More


Heartbreak Haiku

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